get involved
“There is a role for every single voice in this room”-Urvashi Vaid
Find opportunities to speak up, attend an event or volunteer at Task Force events. Help create change by attending conferences or by helping with advocacy campaigns.
We’ve seen unprecedented attacks against LGBTQ+ people from extremist politicians. Countless anti-LGBTQ+ bills are signed into law each year. Our community is living in a state of emergency, but we can fight back.
Help the political power of LGBTQ women by supporting our endorsed candidates. An LPAC endorsed candidate works at the intersection of LGBTQ rights, women’s equality, and social justice to fight for a more inclusive agenda.
CenterLink is an international nonprofit association of LGBTQ centers and organizations serving their local and regional communities. Connect & support community at one of 375 LGBTQ Community Centers.
“LGBTQ+ history is especially urgent because our communities have emerged from denial, repression, and invisibility into acceptance, pride and full societal participation. This Museum helps forge the future by documenting our past.”
Urvashi Vaid
Founding Board Member
American LGBTQ+ Museum